(My doctor's office is in walking distance, and Thursday as I was walking to my doctor's I met my little buddy here. He was on his back unable to turn over, and I used my pad with my doctor questions/info to flip him over. And then I took a moment to listen to the messages he was sent to bring me. Not everyday a 2 1/2 inch beetle crosses my path, and I had a sense that this was no coincidence -- of course, nothing ever is)
Since Thursday, I have been having
some major physical opportunities for spiritual awakening -- including 6 hours
at Baptist East Cardiology ..... (please note that time at a doctors office is
not directly proportionate to the seriousness of symptoms/problems) ....
In the middle of a stressful time
of conscious awakening, I had noticed some changes beginning April 14th -- in
my morning physical inventory (Step 10) -- and had been spiritually working on
it, with fluctuating “success” ….
Then Thursday my doctor did an EKG,
and was concerned because I had no P-waves – just a flutter of smaller waves
before each heart beat ….. so off I am sent to grow spiritually, and heal
physically in the process …..
So -- I have presently a heart
flutter – sounds kinda like having a butterfly in my chest – or maybe a small
angel ….. Anyway “they” don’t like it, and now I am taking medications to
remove the symptoms -- the flutters -- and
restore the wave …. P-wave – need for a healthier experience of conscious
intimate Presence, perhaps? ….. I think – experience – it might be so – and I
kinda like my “butterfly or angel wings story” better …..
So Thursday I was disturbed that I
missed my 4:30 group on Spiritual
Self Forgiveness – incredible people bringing incredible spiritual Presence
into the “We-ness” of our room …. But I did get back in time for my 6:30 Inner Child Group ….. Totally awesome …..
We were working on – experiencing how to listen – with our Higher Mommy and
Daddy -- to our Inner Child so he/she can begin to come home – to stay ….
We practiced meditatively listening
to our Inner Child, and the results were totally awesome – I think I already
said that ….. As I was listening to my Inner Child talk about being at Baptist
East, it was emotionally very powerful …. My wife – Liz -- who died in 2005 had
been there many times, and was there when she was eventually transferred to
Hospice downtown ….. Here is what I heard and experienced him saying:
“I didn’t like the hospital. It brings back too many memories. Sad memories. When Liz was sick …. And when she was dying. I was alone a lot – it felt like. I wonder where Liz is now. She was really nice.”
Last night, Dawn and I went to see
the movie “Heaven is For Real” …. We all
kinda need hope – and help to hope – that there is more to life and human being
-- than what our bodies and brains can comprehend …. There is – we have to find
a way to have our hearts awakened so we can remember what we forgot the day we
were born – and in the days after …..
This morning, I was up early – for a
Saturday for some – and was doing my morning physical Tenth Step inventory –
and I heard my Higher Mom and Dad say:
“Your body speaks what your mind has suppressed and our Presence flows gently into those areas of your self – body, mind, spirit – and your self heals – without having to continue to struggle desperately to avoid or resist potentially painful experiences.
Hope. The past is written within the tissues of your body – distanced, ignored, forgotten – until it hurts. It stops hurting when we are allowed to go there with you.”
If you are “hurting” today, there
is Someone who can go there with you, and stop – heal – the hurting -- and
restore you to your truest experience of your self – totally innocent, totally perfect,
and infinitely beautiful – the way They experience us. This is my experience, strength, and HOPE.
The kingdom
of Heaven is within us!!!! That’s where They are too.
Have a Great – and Perfect -
Day!!! We Are Not Alone!!! And THAT’S
Good God News!!!!
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